Term of Use

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This user policy is issued by ePractice ("We", "Us" or "Our"). It governs your use of the ePractice Web Site, including, without limitation, all content such as text, information, images, and audio (collectively, "Content") and all services ("Services") made available to you through the Site (this Site and the Content and Services are collectively referred to herein as the “Site") by us. We reserve the right to make changes to this policy at any time without advance notice. Any such change shall be effective immediately upon posting to this Site. If you have questions pertaining to this policy, please contact us.

1. Intellectual Property Ownership

You agree that we own all worldwide rights, titles and interests in and to the Site. You may create a bookmark in your browser to the home page of the Site. Otherwise, you may not create a link to the Site without our prior written approval. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved to us. No other rights or licenses whether express, implied, arising by estoppels, or otherwise are conveyed or intended by this Agreement. To facilitate your access to and use of our Site or portions thereof, we may make certain software available to you. The terms of your use of such software will be stated separately in a license agreement that will be included with the software. You agree to only use such software in a manner permitted pursuant to such license agreements.

2. Trademarks

ePractice trademarks identify ePractice products and services, and let the public know the source of those products and services. ePractice prohibits the use of our trademarks without express written permission from ePractice. In addition, you may not use ePractice trademarks, whether design or word marks, in the following ways:

  • 1. In a non-ePractice service name or publication title,
  • 2. In, as, or as part of your own trademarks,
  • 3. To identify products or services that are not ePractice’s
  • 4. In a manner likely to cause confusion.
  • 5. In a manner that implies inaccurately that we sponsor, endorse, or are otherwise connected with your own activities, products, and services, Or in a manner that disparages ePractice.

3. Your Use of Content

The Content consists of copyrighted works proprietary to us. You may download and print a single copy of the Content solely for your use in connection with your internal non-commercial use. Any Content you download or print may not be altered in any way and must contain all copyright and proprietary rights notices that were contained in such Content. Any Unauthorized Or Unapproved Use Of Any Of The Content Constitutes Copyright Infringement And Subjects You To All Civil And Criminal Penalties Provided For Under Domestic And International Copyright Laws And Treaties.

4. Advertisements and Links

The Site may contain advertisements placed by or on behalf of third parties. These advertisements may contain links to other web sites. For your convenience, we provide links on our Site to third party web sites. These third party web sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for such third party web sites. ePractice is providing these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the linked site by ePractice.