Self Help

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Get the answers you need quickly!

Your ePractice software is feature rich and even after you learn how to use it, you may need to ask a question or resolve a problem. To assist you, in addition to Telephone Support, we provide the following:

ePractice Robot Help

RebootYour ePractice software includes an in-depth Help system that gives you quick access to overviews and instructions on the features and functions of the software. Refer to the Help system in your ePractice software before calling us – it will effectively reduce your need for telephone support. Here is where you will find the Help system in your program:

  • 1. Go to Help menu
  • 2. Choose Help
  • 3. A file named ePractice.chm will be opened as shown below
    help chm
  • 4.You can browse through the contents by expanding the topics
  • 5. You can also use Search tab to search the topics by entering the keyword as shown below
    help search

ePractice User Guide

An electronic copy of the ePractice User Guide is included with your ePractice program and is accessible from the Help menu shown above. This volume set contains screen shots from the program and covers the steps to Getting Started as well as the Practice Management and Clinical features in ePractice. The User's Guide can help you discover, and learn to use, everything that ePractice has to offer. It is also a great resource for helping new staff to learn ePractice and can minimize the need for training. We encourage you to use this excellent reference material to the full advantage of your practice!