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© EPRACTICE TECHNOLOGIES PTY LIMITED 2017. All material on this website is copyright.

What’s ok to do with this website.

We permit you to download, display, print and reproduce one copy of this material in an unaltered form only for your personal, non-commercial use of for the use within your organisation. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.

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What’s NOT ok to do with this website:

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  • -display webpages from our Website within frames on another site
  • -cache any of the webpages from our Website on a local server.

Third Party Copyright:

The webpages available via our Website may contain material in which third parties own the copyright (such as logos, patents and design drawings).

Copying such material may infringe the rights of others and therefore ePractice recommends you to obtain the appropriate approvals from the copyright owner before copying it.

Last updated: 07 Aug, 2017.